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I was taught as a child the importance of wearing shoes. Occasionally, I was allowed to run around barefoot, but not as often as some of my friends or cousins. I remember one summer, while visiting my cousins, that they made fun of me because I wasn’t able to walk barefoot on the gravel driveway like they could. They said I had pretty feet (not something I liked to hear). I felt embarrassed having to go back to get my shoes, but I had no choice. My feet were just too sensitive.

Paul also talked about the importance of shoes. This is, in fact, the next part of the armor we must put on: first the belt, then the breastplate, and now shoes (specifically, “as shoes for your feet, put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” – Ephesians 6:15)

Shoes shouldn’t need much explanation. They protect our feet from rocks, thorns, twigs, or any other sharp object on our path. To a soldier, good shoes are vital. Remember, our goal is to be still standing at the end, and protected feet are good at standing. It reminds me of something my grandpa said once about one of my cousins who had a large shoe size: he had “a good foundation.” Good shoes are about securing our foundation; the better the shoe, the better the foundation.

Even in spiritual combat, soldiers must make sure their feet are well anchored, because you never know what you will find laying on the battlefield. There will be things that cut you, trip you, or make you very miserable. I’m sure you’ve experienced some of these stones. You will be faced with a cold, hard truth: “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Ouch! We wince, lift our foot, only to step down on another sharp truth: “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Oh! This stuff can hurt! One step, “you’re nothing but a filthy sinner”—another step, “even your good works are worthless”—sends pain throughout our soul. This is why Paul advises, “…as shoes for your feet…”, or “…Having shod your feet…”, basically protect your feet.

Since our feet are so vulnerable, we need to make sure we do not buy into the alternatives. Satan will urge you to head into battle Barefoot with the Hesitancy that comes from Human Inadequacy. Forget about the Gospel, focus on you—the natural you. You must stand on your own weakness; bear the pain of the journey and toughen up! Of course, Satan knows this will leave you vulnerable. On the other hand, man suggests that you put on the Socks of Laziness that comes from a Hidden Gospel. Good news can make you feel warm and fuzzy, but there’s no need for everyone to know that you have it. Man’s motto: “Keep it close, but keep it hidden.” You see, your feet can’t get hurt because you won’t move out of the comfort of the pew.

No, true protection comes only from the Gospel of Peace (Ephesians 6:15). This is the good news of Jesus Christ! The good news that, “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that who ever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). That, “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). That, “the wages of sin is death, BUT the gift of God is eternal life” (Rom. 6:23). Standing on this Gospel, those other sharp truths will not make us stumble!

But that’s not all. Paul asks a very important question: how can people know the good news if we don’t tell them (Romans 10:14, 15)? For the armor, he mentions the preparation, or readiness, that comes with this Gospel. There needs to be a willingness to share this Gospel. Isaiah 52:7 says, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news.” How wonderful it is to hear the good news of salvation, and to hear that we can have peace with God. How beautiful is the person who shares this with us! God calls the feet of those who carry His good news beautiful—not pretty, not calloused, scarred, and stinky—beautiful. God doesn’t want us to have tough feet; He wants us to have beautiful feet!

There is a difference between pretty feet and beautiful feet. Once, while I was a lifeguard, I was called to an injury. An older lady had cut her foot on the nearly smooth texture of the concrete floor. I learned that she never went anywhere without wearing shoes—she had beautiful feet, but every step was painful. I realized that the more she wore her shoes, the more she had to.

You see, the longer the gospel is our foundation—the longer we walk in it and the longer we share it—the more beautiful our feet become and the more sensitive we become. Things that may not bother others become painful to us. We’ll become sensitive to our own rough edges. We become fully aware of our need of a Savior. Then we see the importance of the shoes: the longer we stand on the Gospel, the more we’ll have to. The more we share the Gospel, the more we’ll want to.

Paul proudly proclaims in Romans 1:16, “…I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes.” Don’t be ashamed of the protection of the Gospel. Don’t be ashamed to share it with others. For if you desire to have victory in this rough world, you must secure your foundation; made ready by the Gospel to keep standing.

May the Good News of salvation be your foundation. May you proudly proclaim the Gospel of Peace to those you care about. May we stand, unashamed to have beautiful feet because of the Gospel of Christ!