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We may talk about the promise of the Holy Spirit and how important it is to have in our lives. We speak about how great it would be to have the Spirit poured out upon us. But what exactly does the Holy Spirit do? Does He have a part in our Salvation? Or does He just go around handing out gifts—causing people speak in tongues?

Jesus gave a concise description of the Holy Spirit’s work in John 16:7–14. While trying to comfort His disciples after telling them that He would be leaving, He explains to them what the coming Helper will do. He says a lot here, but according to Jesus, the Holy Spirit has two main missions: conviction and guidance.

In verse 9, Jesus says that part of the work of the Spirit is to help us see the truth of sin: that we are outside of a saving relationship with God. Because of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we can see the reality of our sin and recognize our need of a Savior. Therefore, the Holy Spirit begins working in our lives before we even start following Jesus! If you love Jesus today, it is because of the work of the Spirit in your life.

He also convicts about righteousness, “because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer.” When Jesus ascended into Heaven, His living example was gone. Yet, today we still ask, “What would Jesus do?” We may not know how He would act in every modern situation, but that’s where the Holy Spirit comes in. We can know what is right because the Holy Spirit will convict us about it.

Finally, the Spirit will convict about judgment, “because the prince of this world now stands condemned.” Satan revealed the true nature of his government at the cross and the lines have been drawn. As a result, judgment has come upon the former “ruler” of this world and his followers. The Spirit convicts us of this and gives us the hope that we do not have to take part in their judgment.

The other major mission of the Holy Spirit is guiding us to all truth (John 16:13). This verse shows the true nature even of the conviction process: to lead us. The Spirit intends to lead us to all that is true. The truth about sin, righteousness, and judgment. The truth about God. The truth about us.

It will not be just any truth, though. Jesus said that “he will speak only what he hears.” In other words, the Spirit will never contradict what has already been spoken. He will not change anything, but will remind us of what Jesus had taught (John 14:26). Some of the truth the Spirit will reveal to us includes what is yet to come. In fact, we have the hope that we have because the Spirit has revealed the glory God has waiting for us (1 Corinthians 2:9–12).

Ultimately, though, the Spirit’s work will result in bringing glory to Christ (John 16:14). The Spirit’s work is not to glorify us. It is not to make us greater in the eyes of others; it is to make Jesus great in our eyes.

This is what the Spirit’s conviction will do. Convicted about sin, we see the greatness of our Savior as the Way. Convicted about righteousness, we see the greatness of our Shepherd as the Truth. Convicted about Judgment, we see the greatness of our Advocate as the Life. The Holy Spirit will help correct all of our inaccurate views of God. The Spirit reveals that God is more loving, more forgiving, more merciful, more awesome than most Christians make Him out to be.

As the Spirit leads and convicts in our lives, Jesus becomes greater, and our love for Him can only grow stronger. Here’s the conclusion of the matter: the Spirit works to draw us to Christ, help us fall in love with Him, and then encourages and enables us to faithfully follow Him.

Thank you, Father, for sending us your Spirit!